Courses and workshops

Watercolor workshop

With the tutorship of Joan Coch

Preu: 75€ no membres / 65€ membres (Horari dimarts i dijous) – 60€ no membres / 50€ membres (Horari dilluns)

  • Open Enrollment
  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m
    Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m
    Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 18.00 to 20.00h
    NOU HORARI! Dilluns tardes de 18.00 a 20.00h
  • Academy of Fine Arts of Sabadell, Private Foundation
    PG of Manresa, 20
    08202, Sabadell


  • Indispensable materials
  • The colour
  • The light
  • Drawing and perspective
  • The composition
  • Topics in the study
  • Insitu topics [interior and urban)
  • Outdoor trips

Basic knowledge of the watercolor technique.


  • Transmit the knowledge in this plastic technique in the most personal and clear way, trying to help all the students, whether novice, advanced, expert. the cultural and historical context to which they correspond and generate dialogue on ideological aspects.


  • Aimed at adult audiences who have artistic concerns and want to improve their knowledge, experiment and exchange experiences.


  • The usual for watercolor. In some classes the teacher will provide free material for the students, courtesy of the sponsors of the workshops. The classroom has a 4K video projector for the teacher's demonstrations.

A l’iniciar un taller caldrà abonar la matrícula:
Matrícula per als membres col·laboradors: import equivalent a una mensualitat del que el 50% es retornarà a la finalització del curs, sempre que el taller s’acabi. Tanmateix, s’atorgara un certificat d’assistència al curs.
Matrícula per als no membres col·laboradors: import equivalent a una mensualitat, en concepte de matrícula.

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