Courses and workshops

Artistic research

With the tutorship of Gerard Torres Sanmartí

Price: €54 non-members / €44 members

  • Open Enrollment
  • Monday from 18.00 to 19.30h
  • Academy of Fine Arts of Sabadell, Private Foundation
    PG of Manresa, 20
    08202, Sabadell


  • This workshop is a search based on the elasticity of art; design and know current practices and work in the field of experimentation in the plastic and conceptual field.


  • During the three terms, you will go through different practices and methodologies such as practices of contact with the environment, practices of current knowledge and practices on personal work.
  • Natural drawing. Movement exercises, chiaroscuro relationship, abstraction of form and line and narration of the idea.
  • painting Contrast exercises, execution and construction of the stain.
  • Viewing of contemporary artists (according to the personal interest of each student) and relevant influences of the teacher.
  • Realization of a version of a work by a well-known artist according to the student's preferences.
  • Realization of personal work in the form of free-theme work under the supervision of the workshop master.


  • To relate to the most significant works in the history of art, especially to contemporary art. Acquire knowledge from own personal work in the creative process; research and preparation of information (sketches, photographs, varied material...) with the artistic discipline with which the student develops the most and learn values from art while interacting with other classmates.


  • Aimed at young people with different artistic knowledge, working on initiative and the ability to learn at any level. Young people from 11 to 17 years


  • El material el proporcionarà l’acadèmia i carregarà un rebut anual de 35 € en aquest concepte. No obstant al llarg del curs el professor podria demanar algun material addicional no inclòs.

A l’iniciar un taller caldrà abonar la matrícula:
Matrícula per als membres col·laboradors: import equivalent a una mensualitat del que el 50% es retornarà a la finalització del curs, sempre que el taller s’acabi. Tanmateix, s’atorgara un certificat d’assistència al curs.
Matrícula per als no membres col·laboradors: import equivalent a una mensualitat, en concepte de matrícula.

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