Courses and workshops

Express yourself

With the tutorship of Emma Abella

Price: €49 non-members / €39 members

  • Open Enrollment
  • Wednesday from 18.00 to 19.00h
  • Academy of Fine Arts of Sabadell, Private Foundation
    PG of Manresa, 20
    08202, Sabadell


Having a first contact with creativity, the different art techniques and methodologies through artists and the same experience. At the same time learn to develop and work in a workshop.


  • Basic drawing The shape
  • The colour
  • Contrast and harmony
  • Volume and proportions
  • The space
  • The human body


  • Offer and expand various plastic materials and techniques available to the child. Encourage their creative expression and help to continue developing it. Learning from the error and the process of a work. Become aware of the importance of maintaining and respecting the workshop material.


  • Activity aimed at children aged 5 to 10 with a great desire to learn and enjoy art.


  • El material el proporcionarà l’acadèmia i carregarà un rebut anual de 35 € en aquest concepte.

A l’iniciar un taller caldrà abonar la matrícula:
Matrícula per als membres col·laboradors: import equivalent a una mensualitat del que el 50% es retornarà a la finalització del curs, sempre que el taller s’acabi. Tanmateix, s’atorgara un certificat d’assistència al curs.
Matrícula per als no membres col·laboradors: import equivalent a una mensualitat, en concepte de matrícula.

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